
Time & Money Saving


In the past, our newsletters were sent out 1-2 days following our weekly meetings. By then, some leads would be old. Connectable fixed that. Now members receive their leads in real time so they can act on them instantly. Connectable is easy to use, efficient and is well worth the investment. Thank you for developing such a great tool and resource for our association.

Greg M.
Calgary Executive Associations


I get my Thursdays back to work on anything I need to get done since I have no newsletter to produce.

Cindy A.
Honolulu Executives Association


This has been a HUGE time saver. I now take attendance during the meeting. And the Newsletter is eliminated

Lisa J.
Charlotte Executive Association.


I'd say it saves me 2 hours worth of work in a given week and saves the group money - no more printing all those attendance or lead sheets.

Lisa J.
Charlotte Executive Association.


Members tell me how easy it is to post a business lead and how much they enjoy receiving their leads instantly. And the weekly summary replaces their weekly newsletter beautifully (and I don’t have to create it!).

Linda S.
Nanaimo Executives Association.


I am LOVING Connectable. It makes my job much easier, and more organized at the same time.

Morgan B.

Member engagement


Our members adopted to the technology more easily than I thought. Even some more ‘less technologically inclined’ members have made a point to use it and that really impresses me.

Lisa J.
Charlotte Executive Association.

Lead sharing


Honolulu Executives Association finds Connectable makes leads instant and accessible on any device. Our members didn't want to lose their weekly lead sessions so they now just look at all their leads they posted right on their phone and give their best lead of the week.

Cindy A.
Honolulu Executive Associations

It is really easy to use, efficient, and gets the leads to members quickly.

Jack Schneider
Member of Honolulu Executive Association



The reports are wonderful and you can easily see who is sitting on the sidelines and not participating and give them some encouragement to get more involved. And the attendance reports make my Retention Committee members elated!

Cindy A.
Honolulu Executive Associations

When asked if they’d go back to paper lead sharing? Not a chance.

Lisa J.
Charlotte Executive Association.


What you’ve created is truly awesome. I love this thing.

Dave J.
Member Abbotsford Executive Association