Members share leads online, view upcoming events + access current membership contact info.
Administrators track leads, create events, take attendance + create member metric reports with a few clicks.
Send and receive complete and real=time leads online throughout the week and convert them into business faster.
Use the Connectable dashboard to be sure of meeting dates, speakers and announcements.
Call, email or text other members with one click from your mobile phone from an always up to date membership list.
Administrators can view member’s metrics without working for hours in frustrating speadsheets.
Administrators: Never create a newsletter again. Let members easily generate and customize the newsletter for content and frequency–automatically.
Remove the burden of repetitive data entry of leads, attendance and event information
Want to see Connectable in Action?
Schedule a demo today.
This has been a HUGE time saver. I now take attendance during the meeting. And the Newsletter is eliminated.
Lisa J.
Executive Director, Charlotte Executive Association
Connectable frees up hours of my time that I used to spend re-typing leads and creating newsletters. Now I spend my time on increasing our membership and member retention.
Greg M.
Executive Director, Calgary Executive Association
I get my Thursdays back to work on anything I need to get done since I have no newsletter to produce.
Cindy A.
Executive Director , Honolulu Executive Association
Members tell me how easy it is to post a business lead and how much they enjoy receiving their leads instantly.
Linda S.
Executive Director, Nanaimo Executive Association
The dashboard is where everything comes together. The administrator can customize which tiles appear on the dashboards: events, testimonials, thanks, open categories, announcements, performance metrics, attendance. Hide or re-order tiles to what makes sense for your organization. For members, the dashboard is the one go-to place to find all the networking meeting information and their personal metrics.
No need for the administrators to re-type leads, announcements, member’s thanks and upcoming events for the newsletter ever again. This information is constantly entered throughout the week. The member customizes what information they want to receive and when they want it to arrive in their inbox.
No administrator involvement required.
Connectable provides guest conversion, member attrition rate and member performance metrics including attendance and participation. Simply click and print.
Members enter leads into Connectable from their phone or their desktop. If that lead is for everyone it will show on the lead feed. If it is a direct lead for one specific member, that member will receive it as a push notification.
Administrators enter events, including recurring meetings into the Connectable calendar. Members can choose to download the events into their personal calendar or view on their Connectable dashboard.